Journey Toward a Healthier Lifestyle

Welcome to my blog! I am often asked questions in regard to fitness and nutrition. I am no professional in either one of these fields, but I do know first hand the joys of trying to stay fit and healthy while being a full-time mom. It is easier than many think and I hope to help teach others (mothers or not) the best way to eat without devoting a great deal of money on the latest fad. It is about developing a lifestyle change that you can benefit from and pass on to your children and loved ones. My husand and I have both seen and felt the positive results of what I am sharing with you and I hope you do as well. Enjoy!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Everyone is Unique

            Everyone is built in their own unique way.  No two bodies or minds are built in the exact same way.  Even identical twins have slight differences in their appearance and personality.  With that being said, not every individual can lose weight the exact same way.  I do not try to preach that the lifestyle changes I make will work for absolutely everyone.  For most that are trying to find that healthy range they need to be in, it will work at a steady and healthy rate.  For some it may be a path that is faced with a little bit more difficulty.  I am familiar with most types who have issues and will put it out there that you are more than welcome to e-mail me and I can give you added assistance.  My one rule is that you need to be honest with yourself and in turn, me.  If you are in denial it will be difficult for you to make a change and especially hard for me to help since I am not there in person.
            I will brag about my husband for a second and mention that he lost a great deal of weight recently.  He is close to where he wants to be but he is somewhat slowed down because he has been taking it a bit easy this summer, but in August we are about to kick it into high gear.  I am going to work on definition for myself and also working on my husband.  We could not be any different in regard to body type.  The only similarity we have is that we are both tall.  I try to keep my focus on moms since I am one, but will also post the progress of my husband since he is so very different from me.  I thought it would be a nice little addition to my blog.  I cannot promise that he will let me post pictures, but we will see.  I am extremely excited to assist my husband on the nutrition front while he works on the exercise aspect of it (he is an infantry man and does not need me to help him with exercise). 
            I am happy to report that after my completion of my degree in psychology I will be working on my masters in the science of nutrition.  We do lose sight of the impact of our mentality and state of mind and how it impacts our physical appearance.  I could not even begin to express my absolute excitement over this impending chapter in my life and how fulfilling it will be for me to help others on the inside and out.  I do not intend on abandoning this blog for quite some time so you may hear updates from time to time in regard to my progress. 
            To deviate from the personal aspects and give a bit of “food for thought” I will insert a few motivating words of wisdom.  Our bodies are finely tuned machines and it is our responsibility to fuel our bodies well.  You would not attempt to put unleaded gas in a diesel truck, would you?  So why consistently put unhealthy things into your body or not fuel it properly?  We will not run the way we were intended to.  Unlike a car, we cannot trade in our bodies for a new one once we ran this one down to the ground.  We get one body to treat the right way.  It is never an impossible feat to accomplish.  It does take dedication and in the beginning it does take motivation and will, but it is worth it to feel great physically and mentally. 
            To add a little bit of personal information to show that this is not coming from someone who has always been and always will be a size 2 (I am NOT a size 2 by the way).  By making changes I slowly lost 25lbs from where I was after graduating high school to where I am now.  I will admit that I did have an abnormally high metabolism while pregnant, but I have not been pregnant for the past decade and it did fade back to a normal state shortly after I had my children.  It did not happen overnight and I did have a few extended periods of time where I simply chose not to care.  I have zero desire to go back.  Being a mother to four beautiful children I quickly realized that if I am going to try and tell my children to eat healthy the best way of doing it is to lead by example.  And it feels fantastic to hear that my 10 year-old was bragging about how her mom is in great shape. 
            I hope this post left you with something to take with you.  We are all unique individuals, but are all able to lead a healthy lifestyle.  It is also important for us to remember that we owe it to ourselves to fuel our bodies properly.  All of this is not coming from someone who does not know the struggles of losing weight or digging for the motivation.  I have been there and found myself going up and down since high school.  My state of mind and my reasoning behind wanting to be healthier is what ultimately caused me to make a permanent change.  When doing something for the right reasons the well-deserved feelings of pride are phenomenal.      

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